The secret is in choosing the right tool.

If you didn’t catch the last post, it may be worth looking at Understanding Agile’s Strengths and Weaknesses.

That’s because understanding the tools helps us go back to the original question:

If Agile should be iterative, why is mixing the two considered the fastest way to fail?

Every Agile transformation is unique, and why it succeeds or fails depends on a number of different factors.  Some common factors I’ve seen are:

Even though the Agile Manifesto just turned 20, Agile is still a new idea for a lot of people.  Even a lot of software development departments, who are the first to use it, still don’t leverage the tool, much less rolling it out to the overall business environment.  In that environment, it can be hard to find good people with years of experience in the tool. 

If it’s something you are thinking about leveraging in your own environment, or something you’ve rolled out, but are still tuning, the best advice is to take a step back and:

Looking at tools:

I’ve had project managers ask if they should get a PMP or a CSM.  As you can probably guess by this point, my answer is that there is value in having both.  (The 80-100 hours of studying for the PMP may be overkill, you can get familiar with the concepts without sitting for the exam.) 

Project management shouldn’t turn into a religious fight with people sitting on either extreme, preaching why their solution is the only one.  The truth is that Agile was built on the shoulders of Traditional and has brought new ideas with it.  Rather than getting trapped with a limited number of tools at your disposal, take the time to learn both sides.

You’ll be far more successful in the process.